Conferința de deschidere
5 februarie 2020Conferința de deschidere a proiectului „Îmbunătățirea accesului și a calității serviciilor pentru cetățeni – o administrație publică transparentă și responsabilă”
19 februarie 2020The Association of Municipalities of Romania – ACoR, the Association of Local and Regional Authorities of Norway – KS and the Association of Municipalities of Romania – AMR implements the project „Improving access and quality of services to citizens – transparent, responsible and accountable local public administration”. The project benefits from a 3.277.000 € grant from Norway.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The project aims to increase the awareness of the representatives of the local authorities regarding issues related to integrity, decision-making transparency, incompatibilities and conflict of interests.
The Opening Conference of the project will take place on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at 10.00 am, at RIN GRAND HOTEL (Vitan-Bârzești road, no. 7D, Bucharest) , „Bucharest” Conference Room.
The main purpose of the conference will be to present the project, its activities and the results to be obtained, experiences and case studies from Norway, as well as the possibilities of collaboration with the Norwegian partener in order to implement the activities in Romania and planning study visits to Norway.
Advertising notice – Direct procurement/purchase – Financial audit services
Participation/qualification criteria and technical requirements for the procurement of financial audit services within the project „Improving access and quality of services to citizens – transparent, responsible and accountable local public administration”, funded by the Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Program, can be downloaded below. .